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Not readable league changes in email

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medal 5778
7 years 325 days ago
I changed starting race time. The email arrived us is this:

League update
Your league host has updated your league:

Races will now be {{duration}}% length at {{time}} and run at {{speed}} speed*

* Changes don't impact races starting within 24 hours

We don't read real changes but only code.
medal 5000
7 years 325 days ago
it happened to me a couple of weeks ago.The league owner had not changed anything.I guess it was random mail
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 325 days ago
I found why this was happening and have fixed it. Thanks for reporting it.
medal 5000
7 years 324 days ago
Jack, translations aren't working neither for league e-mails nor news, are they??
I use a league owner account in Portuguese (BR) and all e-mails or league news can't be showed.
So I think it had better not offer translation option for leagues.

Thanks in advance!
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 324 days ago
I found the problem with that, thanks for reporting it. The translation works, but there was an issue which was preventing it from accepting the language set by the league. I fixed the cause of that, so it should all be fine now.

As an extra layer I have made sure it will revert to the English file for language in the event that no file is found, to prevent that empty issue you saw from even being possible. It probably won't be necessary, but it doesn't hurt!
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