David Bradley medal 5033 7 years 348 days ago
I had set up the Anti-Nowhere league to transition from Mon.-Thur. to Mon.-Tues.-Thur. at the end of the season. The next race in this present season should have been Thurs. but is running now (Tues.). I think maybe no one in the league was prepared for this so the race will be mostly a mess, I would think. What options are available to deal with this?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 347 days ago
We can postpone the race and re-run it, but this has not been very reliable lately. We're investigating why.
I'd recommend leaving it as it is, if that's a viable option for everyone. When did this change, do you know? Was it during the time the service went up and I was postponing and unpostponing races like crazy to organise the launch?

David Bradley medal 5033 7 years 347 days ago
Not sure exactly when it changed. Obviously the Monday race went off fine. I know that within the last week I had looked at the League/Edit page and it was as it should be, that is, showing the the three race days for the next season. Since my first post here I looked at it and it has reverted to showing just Monday and Thursday! Weird. I will have to ask the guys what they would prefer.

David Bradley medal 5033 7 years 347 days ago
It is even more weird than I thought. The rest of this season's schedule has been changed to Mon.-Tues.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 347 days ago
You should be back on Mon/Thu now.