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    medal 0
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I can not buy

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medal 5000
7 years 321 days ago
I have tried to buy a pilot directly, without bids, but he does not let me stay the same and he does not buy it for me.
medal 5435 CEO & CTO
7 years 321 days ago
We were having some interruptions to the service earlier, shortly before you wrote this post. Is it okay now? Or still the same?
medal 5000
7 years 319 days ago
i've try buy now and the same issue happened with me.
medal 5435 CEO & CTO
7 years 319 days ago
i've try buy now and the same issue happened with me.

It's working fine for me at the moment. What kind of network were you on at the time? Anything with a strong firewall or a poor connection, e.g. mobile internet.
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