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"Car is really damaged" + "Oops, an error occurred" during Free Practice?

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medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
Hello everyone, it's now been a week since I started playing this lovely game, and tomorrow morning at 6am there's going to be the Tuskish iGP. Everything normal. But whenever I get to the "Next Race" section, and select the Setup menu, my second Driver says "Car conditions are very poor, and it's really necessary to fix it." (Please forgive me if my translation doesn't really match) I went to the "car" menu in order to fix it, and it didn't appear to be so damaged. But I decided anyways to fix it (both parts and engine). Went back to Free Practice's screen and he kept saying "Car conditions are very poor, and it's really necessary to fix it." I got scared, and just thought it was a bug, pressed on the "Try Setup" button, and a prompt told me: "Oops, an error occurred. Try again." I tried again, but it seems like it's not really the solution. Waited a few hours, still have the same problems.

Now, is there a way to solve this before tomorrow's race? Did this happen before to anybody?

Thanks to all of you in anticipation, and again sorry if errors'/buttons have a different translation, but I'm playing the Italian translation of the game, so I had to translate that back to English.
medal 5088
7 years 319 days ago
Are you still experiencing this? I'm just another player but didn't have time to post yesterday to try and find a solution.
medal 5000
7 years 318 days ago
ciao mi puoi allegare degli screenshot?
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
I have the same problem.

#1 driver has done practice without problems. #2 drivers tells me car is damaged (but it's not) and I get an error evertime I want to try the setup...

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