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Lost tokens, igp mobile beta

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medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Yesterday I had 13 tokens I was participating in auction spent 13 tokens.I did not win any and was charged by 13 tokens. Tokens did not refill after auction end.I have 0 tokens.
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Same problem on my second account. I had 9 tokens. I wan TD in auction and was charged by 7 tokens. 2 tokens remain on my account.
medal 5435 CEO & CTO
7 years 317 days ago
It's a misunderstanding. Tokens on the auctions work the same way as tokens on every other button, each bid placed costs 1 Token, as indicated on the button. We will add more clarity to this soon. I will think up a way to make it indicated much more clearly.

If you want to avoid a "bid war" and get drivers cheaply, there is the "buy now" option which guarantees only spending 9 Tokens to get the driver. There is also the option to buy free agent drivers (teamless drivers) for just 3 Tokens, but you would need to search those out within the game or know somebody who has one to give. Lastly, there is the Youth Academy which can be more expensive but the drivers last much longer so return on that investment.
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago (edited 7 years 317 days ago)
Hello, i'm new in iGP and some minutes ago i wanted to buy a new pilot but i didn't know that i can buy instantly a pilot with 9 coins. So i bet on an auction that was ending and i lost it with all my coins (from about 25 as i remember to 1 coin). I didn't know that i lose all my coins by losing the auction. Is it a normal thing or it's a bug? Now i can't buy any pilot or staff member because of that. If it's a normal thing i'm asking you if you could bring me back at least 8 coins because it is not clear in the auction section.
medal 5435 CEO & CTO
7 years 317 days ago
I think this has confused several people straight after launch. So next week I am going to add some notification making this clear. There are other options as you see like buying free-agent (teamless) drivers instantly for 3 Tokens, Buy now for 9 Tokens and the Youth Academy, which can cost more but the drivers last much longer in their career.
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