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Pilot disappeared

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medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
This evening I was followed a bid forum a new pilot. 30 sec before the end the pilot disappeared bit entering in the game I was able to buy this new pilot. I've spent 3 credits plus 8 millions bug after some minutes the pilot disappears as the money and coins I've used.
Could you resolve this bug?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 320 days ago
Hi, please send us a link to the driver ID and we will investigate.
medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
It should be this
medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
It should be this

Pera Motorsport might had bidded higher than u, so it went to that team, and i dun think the Cash & Token must had been deducted from u account.
medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
I confirm you that they've deducted me money and Tokens (100% sure).
Moreover for some minutes the pilot was inside the pilot list of my team.
Now I'm without pilot, money and Tokens.
I suppose that the bug is connected with the mobile app and time Sync
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 320 days ago (edited 7 years 320 days ago)
I'm looking into it. Thanks for the information.

EDIT: Lorenzo, is it correct that you only placed 1 bid in the initial round? Or did you bid in later rounds too?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 320 days ago
Lorenzo, your whole story checks out, I've validated everything with our logs and we will be investigating how this happened. In the meantime I have sent you 40 Tokens so you can buy an investment. This should more than cover the cash and Tokens lost, and hopefully make up for any inconvenience.
medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
Thank you for understanding and for the Tokens.
Yes, 1 bit in the initial round... It's correct.
I think that if the bidding is not complete, there is a way to open the pilot id (maybe undu) and the app asks you for buying the pilot for 3 Tokens + money.
medal 5000
7 years 320 days ago
Hi devs.

I had exact same issue. I made a bid, left screen, then went back to auction. My screen then changed and I could get the driver for 8m and 3 tokens. I did that, got him, the tokens and money got deducted. I trained him up, did a few things, then he disappeared.

Unfortunately I don't have the driver ID. Please can you help me out though?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 316 days ago
This has been fixed now. Michael, I've also sent you 40 Tokens.
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