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In-App purchases back online

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 316 days ago (edited 7 years 316 days ago)
In case you've been trying to buy Tokens in the app lately, you might have noticed this option was under maintenance. We took it offline as soon as we learned that some people a couple of days ago bought Tokens and didn't receive them. We also compensated those people by giving them double what they ordered.

After conducting thorough research into the cause, we identified a particular server was causing this and other requests to fail. You may also have seen issues like placeholder text within the game as a result of this. This server was brought into action just a few days ago after a big upgrade to the service to improve stability.

We gave this server a good talking to, and straightened it out. :) The server upgrades have clearly improved service all round, and now with these fixes we can all start enjoying the game again.

P.S. For what it's worth, if you want to help support the growth of iGP, we receive more from web sales anyway, so they are the way to go if you're looking to help us grow.
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