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Drivers Training

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medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
At now training is not working . Tried with phone app and browser. Clicking train does not produce any result.

Best regards
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Same here, post from another thread:
Training is broken here too and it seems it's so for several managers in my league (car repair and engine replace was mentioned as broken as well).
One of my drivers, similar to Alex, with 5 yellow stars unlike yesterday trained with 3% steps today and after he leveled and got 5 red stars the training doesn't work anymore for both drivers. Pressing the train button disables it for a few seconds like normal but without any visible results.
medal 5003
7 years 317 days ago
Yep training dead for me to, press button like normal but no training....
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
I had an issue earlier
when I trained my drivers. One of my drivers isn't above my level but when I trained it it only trained a small amount like it would if it was above my level. I assume it must be a bug due to this thread as I shouldn't be getting +3 each time I train when I am not above my level cap. So my driver didn't get the correct amount of training and missed out on leveling up a stat or two.
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 317 days ago
Is it working now?
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Yes, it's working again. Thanks. :-)
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Mine still isn't working on the android app.
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
Is it working now?

Yes this morning it is working. Thanks
medal 5000
7 years 317 days ago
it was a driver's strike ;P
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