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Can't see lap by lap details of previous race

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medal 5000 Super Mod
7 years 255 days ago
As per the title, I can't view the lap times, position, tyre wear or fuel consumption from the race that finished about half an hour ago. I get a blank page on both PC and Android app.
medal 5404
7 years 255 days ago
I noticed the same thing for a race that finished in a different league a couple hours ago.
medal 5000
7 years 255 days ago
Same league, same race, same result: No data, just a blank page here as well.
medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 255 days ago (edited 7 years 255 days ago)
I know the cause, I will fix it in the morning so you will have it for the next race. This one wont be there, sorry. It was some code I uploaded yesterday, trying to squeeze extra efficiency out of every database query.
medal 5674 CEO & CTO
7 years 254 days ago
FYI I have fixed it. The next race will have this data.
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