Rich Parsons medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
How do i improve my Technical Director stats? I've won 9 races and had 11 podiums so far but his Morale, Experience and Charisma seem to have gone nowhere?
Thanks in advance,
Richy P

Carlos Santos medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
You Don't :P
But you can hire a better one when you level up!

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
My technical director hasn't improved either - but then my team are rubbish anyway so I wasn't looking for him to.
The blue and green bars have not changed since I hired him.
But then neither have any of my other staff (except the drivers)
Can't remember if this is on the developers 'to do' list 'soon' or 'later'.

Justin Mountford medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
That will teach you for cheating Parsons!!!!! ;o)

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 44 days ago
That will teach you for cheating Parsons!!!!! ;o)
oooohh...do tell?

Rich Parsons medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
Don't mind him.. He's just bitter because I'm kicking his arse this season ;-) lol