Alex Stopp medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
I think that the importance of nationalities should be improved. A suggestion is that if you have for example 2 Russian drivers on your team. Then they should have better morale. Or a all Russian team could have a morale boost.This would increase the importance of nationalities with the team.

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
I find this interesting too.....

Josh Banning medal 5000 13 years 45 days ago
and your driver should get a morale boost at his home race

Ban Djoun medal 5000 13 years 43 days ago
It is an interesting proposition,
How do you give attributes to nationalitiees ? Is it a random process ?
What if your drivers has no home race ? For example if you an israelian or greek driver...

Alex Stopp medal 5000 13 years 43 days ago
Im suggesting that if your driver has no home race, no morale boost.
Maybe some kind of formula could work out how much morale to give? maybe random

Rathana Dan medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
I totally agree with Alex Stopp and I think that driver's nationality should also impact on sponsors/partners .
For instance, if you have a young French driver, you should be able to get a better sponsorship/partnership contract with the French companies.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Never thought of that Rathana - good idea - if indeed that is what would happen in RL

Rathana Dan medal 5000 13 years 41 days ago
Well, glad I can help :D
I think it happens very often in RL... Not always, but often enough to read it in the news.
Ex in F1 : Maldonado and his bank (forgot the name)
Alonso and Santanders,
Grosjean and Total