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Bug in Setup Strategy for wet and dry

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medal 5000
7 years 302 days ago
i did Setup for Wet climate, while it was raining..
Rain stopped, while my third and Probably final for wet setup, and result came as below

Which doesn't seems correct per my understanding.
even i was going for 2nd practice lap that time as well i was bit worried looking at the suggested level to set.

surprisingly the weather button in race tab was telling no rain before first stint

(Check the encircled system time)
At the same moment for Setup it was raining i tried after refreshing as well for 2-3 times it showed same.
medal 5000
7 years 302 days ago
It's changed from dry to light rain inters Sandeep, There are big differences in setups between dry, light rain inters, light rain wets and heavy rain wets. It's really annoying but that's the joys of real life weather.
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago
It's changed from dry to light rain inters Sandeep, There are big differences in setups between dry, light rain inters, light rain wets and heavy rain wets. It's really annoying but that's the joys of real life weather.

What i understand if its raining 1 set of setup will work, and if not raining the another one.
Pls confirm is there any setup arrangement for light rain?
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago
I think that is asking for setups to be handed to you... Different weather creates the need for different setups.

If you are worried about the difference between 2.18L/lap and 2.21L/lap you should realize that there are different rainfall intensities on top of the depth of water on the track
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago (edited 7 years 298 days ago)
I too thought only wet and dry setups but until you are there and see it you will not know that there are 4 optimal settings dry inter wet light and wet heavy

I saw easy on the best track ever Malaysia dry wings are 1-3, 9-11 inter 18-20 wet light & 25-27 wet heavy
Keep in mind all drivers have their own settings and the setups are 1-50
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago
I too thought only wet and dry setups but until you are there and see it you will not know that there are 4 optimal settings dry inter wet light and wet heavy

I saw easy on the best track ever Malaysia dry wings are 1-3, 9-11 inter 18-20 wet light & 25-27 wet heavy

thanks for information
Keep in mind all drivers have their own settings and the setups are 1-50
medal 5000
7 years 298 days ago
It adds to the fun, we have practice, qualifying and race all on one day, if it was split up over 3 days you would have an even greater chance of having the wrong setup on race day
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