Michael Silfies medal 5000 7 years 314 days ago
So I am working on my car set up to make it perfect. I found an imperfect setup that ran my lap a second quicker.
Do I want to run with the perfect setup or the one that they advise isn't perfect but it's faster?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 314 days ago
There are variences in the practice lap times due to driver learning track and setup, though a whole second difference seems extreme with out changing compound. My personal opinion is that you want the setup that the driver is stating is perfect. The others could be faster for just a fraction of the stint and the much slower for the rest.
I should also note that the weather could have changed as you were running your Laos which also could create a difference.

Michael Silfies medal 5000 7 years 314 days ago
Thank you for the quick response. I'll stick to trying to find the perfect setup