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Hall of Fame - percentage ranking

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medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago
The current ranking in Hall of Fame is bias towards length of time playing. I would like to see how I am performing based on a percentage ranking.

Number of Races against: Wins, Pole Positions, Podiums, Retirements, Points - i am not sure about doubles and triples, but include if it works.
Number of Seasons against: Team and Driver Championships

medal 5088
7 years 296 days ago
You can see all of the extra statistics on PCs only.

You will see on the top right in web browser pages a category selection.

medal 5069
7 years 295 days ago
You can see all of the extra statistics on PCs only.

You will see on the top right in web browser pages a category selection.

The paint on my car does not show up in the hall of fame

medal 5088
7 years 294 days ago
Does it show in the Cars section?
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
You can see all of the extra statistics on PCs only.

You will see on the top right in web browser pages a category selection.

The idea was for Percentage Ranking. No, the drop down doesnt give percentage rankings. I think you need to check again, or maybe read the idea fully.

medal 5088
7 years 294 days ago
I see, now I understand. Can you provide an example of what one category would look like? To make sure I have the right idea.
medal 5069
7 years 294 days ago
Does it show in the Cars section?

Also does not show in the cars section
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
Since he was slightly insulting, I'll try not to be as rude in a response.

He wants to see a list where rookies running without competition win almost every race and show a win rate of 95% or a points per race near 25 or 50.

He feels it unfair that only those who have put the time in be listed at the top of the lists.

Ian, your idea will only encourage people to run alone so they can be at the top of a list
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
Yeah Ian all you have to do bud, is just play more. Maybe get in a more active league like everyday or every other day that way you have a better chance of winning races or getting podiums, etc. But I do have to agree Greg that he should've worded it a bit better.
medal 5000
7 years 293 days ago (edited 7 years 293 days ago)
Greg, I wasn't slightly insulting, I was insulted someone replied without even reading the suggestion properly. This is a common problem on forums, terribly sorry for pointing out how someone could not understand a simple idea of percentages.

"He wants to see a list where rookies running without competition win almost every race and show a win rate of 95% or a points per race near 25 or 50." No I did not ask for this, nor did I feel it unfair how it is currently ranked, I simpy said it was bias, and I made a simple suggestion to view how I am performing based on a percentage. Note... "how am I performing", not anything to do with, I want to be on the top.

Did I think people would run alone to try be on top of the rankings? No because I don't think that way as what is the point by lying to yourself. It is a very valid point though, I do agree that would ruin a percentage based ranking.

But Greg, it's a good thing you tried not to be rude to me in your response, otherwise you might have tried to belittle the idea or imply I am a rookie wanting to be on top with some outlandish comments with no basis.

Brandon, all you had to do bud is check my profile and see I am in a leauge that runs every other day, that I am winning races and getting podiums and so far 2 DC's, one Rookie and one Pro.
I was just simply curious how I stacked up to other honest players based on such a percentage of races against wins and so forth.
I really can't see how I could have explained it clearer, I am sorry you did not seem to understand what Percentage Ranking means or how it would look like, but please do continue and try put me down for your misunderstanding of the simplicity of Percentage Rankings.

No need to reply further, it's obviously only me who wants to compare on a percentage basis, I dont really care where I rank, I play for fun. So scrap the suggestion, thanks.
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
Maybe what there could be, ultimately, is a ranking for the level of the game you are at, to see who is the best in any given ranking. You'll naturally move higher as you get towards moving to the next level, but it will give a feeling of progress, perhaps?

The argument of running alone to get high in a table is valid currently also, if I run alone, I win every race, I move faster towards having the most overall wins, or championships. I don't think a % changes this hugely.
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