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German language confusion about employees

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medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
Hi there, i have something for the german version. When i go to my teammates overview i see:

Fahrer - Driver

Mitarbeiter- employees:
Doktor - Arzt
Leitender Designer - Lead designer
Technischer Leiter - technical manager

as far as good. But in the transfers window, to get new employees, there are following abbreviation:

AR - for Arzt
TD - Technischer "Designer"
LD Leitender Designer

i don't like the word designer and it's abbreviation TD when it is written Technischer "Leiter". So it should be TL..

sorry for my bad english.
i am excited of your answer.
It is not a big thing, but all the time i search new employees i am confused and have to check several times :S

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