Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 42 days ago
I want to report the "piggy" :) backmarkers behavior of last race in Monaco, as if they were hired by opposition. They repeatedly didn't let me through, keep blocking me, even using KERS in order to do so. Instead, the guy behind me had no problem passing them. Please do something about this. In nerly cost me a place. Thanks.
Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 29 days ago
Andrew, the problem is still unresolved, sadly to say. Yesterday, backmarkers still fight, using KERS.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 29 days ago
Hmm, did you notice if this has changed at all? They definitely shouldn't *attack* with KERS, but I can see that they may still use KERS if they're still just ahead of someone who is about to lap them. Is it just the latter case that you saw happening? Also, as it is currently implemented, cars that are currently using KERS will not cancel it if they become lapped while they are using it. The only thing they should not do is activate it while behind someone who is a lap ahead. I hope this makes sense and thanks for the feedback.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 29 days ago
No, Andrew, don't make excuses for them. :D They activate KERS to prevent faster cars overtaking them. It doesn't matter if there are ahead of just been lapped. It's the same, they shouldn't resist. It's against the rules. It's like in real driving. If a car behind you signals overtaking you and pulls aside, you are forbidden to accelerate, but to yield. You can overtake later, but shall not fight the overtake.