Ross Brawn medal 5000 7 years 306 days ago
How do driver increase their experience points? Is it per season or per race?

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 306 days ago
Same as age, far as I know. +1 every 20 races!

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 305 days ago
Thought it was .1 per race, I'm sure.

Fubeca Gersberps medal 5000 7 years 297 days ago
Any confirmation on this? I assume it's only for races they participate in?
Trying to get my reserve driver to level up experience.

Jamie R medal 5000 7 years 297 days ago
You only gain experience if they race, running test laps has no impact. Its per race and like Blunion said, I think its very small per race.
also, remember that experience counts to the drivers star rating... so the more experienced they are they higher the star rating and the slower they train....
I find it really doesnt count for much. I have 2 drivers, 20 across the board one with exp of 5 the other 13 and they finished within 6 point of each other, 1st and 2nd in the league. The guy with 5 exp regularly was just faster than the "more experienced" driver.

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 297 days ago
123 races and my driver is 15experience. to have an idea ;)

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 297 days ago
The more experience they have the better they are. less wee mistakes, once they get to 20 they can push a button without looking at the steering wheel, it becomes second nature to them.