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Light fuel load at start.

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medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
Why doesn't a car with a lighter starting fuel load have a quicker qualy lap. Every time i try mixed strategies with different starting fuel loads the heavier car qualifies faster, even with a lesser driver. Also i've started SS with 7 laps of fuel and other racers qualify lots faster with 10 laps of fuel. Even when the practice times are similar.
medal 5000
7 years 291 days ago
As far as I remember, Qualy is done on an empty track, with new tyres and ideal fuel load (ie, enough to complete the qualy run). Its meant to create a level playing field.

You then "refuel" and fit a new set of tyres before the race starts.

In respect to the fuel, this does match what the do in real life, only carry enough to do you run. We differ to real life were we fit a new set of tyres.
medal 5000
7 years 291 days ago
Does that really help or create a level playing field? Current F1 they don't refuel so this game can only be compared to the old F1 when they refueled during the race. I am sure that the qualification was then done with your starting fuel load on board. Light cars for short first stint got you near or at the front of the grid. Currently putting everyone on the same qualy setup actually hinders people with less developed cars and drivers. They are on a level playing field with much faster cars and drivers, hence they ultiamtely end up at the back. IF, you could qualify using different start strategies ie light fuel load for short first stint , then the less developed cars could use this tactics to gain themselves a few place extra places up the grid. It's a suggestion?
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