Brad Cini medal 5000 7 years 303 days ago
I am in my second season, and since the leagues I have join are dead I win each race by at least a lap. Even this season as in pro. So how do I find a league worth racing in? I have tried joining leagues posted on this forum in the league section but they are either crazy times I cannot race and hence will be kicked out of, or they are filled almost instantaneously. Is there another way to join a league or do I just have to keep grinding out the search for a league on the forums?

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 303 days ago
Active managers are most likely in Elite leagues such as my league.Every races there are 4 managers online to control their drivers or you could join leagues in the "Join league" section.

Tommaso Sabìa medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
Same problem as yours. If you find a decent solution please update us here!

Jamie R medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
Hi Brad,
What time are you looking to race at? Not many leagues advertise, but if you say what time you want to try race at someone might be able to recommend a league.
Other things that might help are if you want 100% races or less, etc.

Jason Stafford medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
No BS Racing. We race at 1400 est i am trying to find axrive managers.. And currently kicked inactive managers to get more active

I B medal 5160 7 years 302 days ago
Just to clarify, you don't have to be there to race, as long as you keep your cars repaired and do your setups they will run without you and it's unlikely you'd be kicked.
Your best approach is to spectate a race at a time you'd like to race. You can then see how active it is.
If you find a suitable league which is already full for your level it's worth asking if there are any inactives who can be 'let go'.

Jason Stafford medal 5000 7 years 301 days ago
Yes but people i kicked were 5 days inactive lol

Jason Stafford medal 5000 7 years 301 days ago
Sorry you sasnt talking to me @ I B