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Seeking Active Rookie Players [0800 UTC Daily]

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medal 5000
7 years 290 days ago
Myself and the only other active player in the Rookie division of our current league.
So I'm starting a fresh league, aiming to start with just Rookie players if possible, and removing people who become inactive for an unknown length of time without notice.

League name is "Speedwagons Bizarre Racing League" (because everything must be a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure reference)

2-car league, 100% races at 1.5x, currently race starts are daily at 0800 UTC/1800 UTC+10, commencing on the 11th.

I'll hand out a password in private messages, current estimate of 14 spots to fill.
medal 5000
7 years 290 days ago
Join my league if you want. FULL RACE F1. we are just at the end of our first season. Races are full length and start at 21.00 everyday.

I kick anyone how is Inactive for 48 hours. If you have 1 point or more you get 72 hours.

We have a good number of active players. Currently 12 active players in the last 12 hours.
medal 5000
7 years 290 days ago
Sometimes I'm not up at 6 in the morning. I'm UTC +10 myself.
medal 5000
7 years 290 days ago
Haha fair enough. Well good luck with your league. I have found kicking the inactive players has helped keep the league active and fun. And you’re more likely to come across more please who play every day.

Good luck
medal 5000
7 years 289 days ago
Thanks. I've opened it up to the public now and I'll see what I end up with.
At least I have the ability to moderate this one.
medal 5000
7 years 289 days ago
If you Like i have a league with 11 teams, 9 actives teams, races Monday to Friday at 23h00 in Spain, UTC +1. The Name is Real F1
We have pass, but if you are interested i say to you the pass
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