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Drivers Knowledge

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medal 5000
7 years 282 days ago
It is said to impact drivers feedback on the car and setup.
When it comes to the setup it's doing nothing, I believe Low ratings are the same as High ratings.

Can this be changed so that Low rating drivers might say it's a little high/low but really what they should of said it is way too high/low.
In my opinion it should be harder to setup the car for Lower rating drivers and not easy like the Higher ratings drivers.
medal 5000
7 years 282 days ago
would be even better if it was a skill that the driver learnt throughout his career slowly gaining knowledge much like experience race after race and not having it trainable.
medal 5000
7 years 282 days ago
Arguments might be it needs to be trainable. as he can learn it in the simulator but if that was the case he would also learn to drive better without errors and therefore learning experience, which isn't trainable already
medal 5000
7 years 280 days ago
James, are you talking to yourself or the voices in your head? :)
medal 5000
7 years 280 days ago
Everyone Dee! James, Jamie, Jim & Jimmy on top of Jack, Ricky & Darren
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