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Is there a qualifying?

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medal 5000
7 years 278 days ago
I only see next race in ***. Is there a qualifying in this game? And how do you i join it?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 278 days ago
Hi Patrick, you can't watch the qualifying but it runs before the race and you can see the results just before the race start, or as the grid when you join the race (before the start). It's also visible after the race in the results.
medal 5000
7 years 278 days ago
Hi Patrick, you can't watch the qualifying but it runs before the race and you can see the results just before the race start, or as the grid when you join the race (before the start). It's also visible after the race in the results.

Alright ty
medal 5000
7 years 273 days ago
in qualifying you use the same tyres as for the first complect in a race (automatically).
P.S. Don`t you wanna join active league? Ayrton Senna Academy. For a spare place ask me (if there is none of them)
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