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medal 5000
7 years 272 days ago
Practice times have an amount of error in them. you shouldn't read too much into the times the track is still green, by qualifying it's rubbered in a bit more & by the time the race starts it's rubbered in some more. Also practice is using the push level Neutral for all tyres so wear and fuel might be slightly different than what you have in race. For example, you wont be flying around in push level 3 with SS until they are at lest 70% wore and cool enough to do so.

It's not all about the car but it does help to have the best car, drivers health you need to account for using harder tyres, it means pushing more meaning you need good stamina in the driver to maintain fast times.

Oh aye! sure you just delete it
medal 5000
7 years 272 days ago
I deleted it because i realised that should be in 'Help & Support' :p
medal 5000
7 years 272 days ago
Hehehe their used to be minions about to move things where they belong and delete very old stuff that was sorted.

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