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Level 4 Driver

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medal 5000
7 years 249 days ago
20 Talent
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
20 Talent and level 4

2 others also 20 talent released but not linked on the forums, lets see if anyone can find them
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
James you are going to send the newbies into a frenzy trying to get them
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago (edited 7 years 226 days ago)
Adds to the excitement scrolling through all the drivers looking for a big green 20

They are there, just a matter of when will they pop up & appear. maybe it takes 24hrs only Jack know the answer to that.
I look them up it's telling me buy now for 3 tokens because there not yet shown on the market
medal 5000
7 years 215 days ago
20 Talent
medal 5000
7 years 145 days ago
Hello my friend James, how are you?

Can you get some "Lewis Hamilton", or a young driver maximum level 10, with talent 20?
medal 5000
7 years 145 days ago
A big hug to you.
medal 5000
7 years 145 days ago
Hey that's not fair, wanting me to train him up to level 10. I could do it very easy train nothing but driving ability and then you would be shouting he too slow he has no stamina :P

Why do driver levels matter? a 2 talent level 8 with 10 experience is just as fast as a 4 talent level 8 with 5 experience.
medal 5000
7 years 144 days ago
Hi James, how are you, my friend?
resistance is the least, I put the pilot to clean the pits, soon his breath will be in the heights.
help me ... Lol =)

if my English is still bad, it's Google translator's fault
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