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Hidden driver attributes

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medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago (edited 7 years 200 days ago)
One of my drivers is much better in the rain. Their attributes are identical except for knowledge. The one who is a better rain driver is three levels higher in knowledge. Either there are hidden attributes or that knowledge attribute is crucial to rain driving. My feeling from other anomalies such as this is that there are hidden attributes. For instance each of my drivers has a couple of tracks that they always appear to excel at.
medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago
Are car setups identical Dee? in my team the driver with the highest ride height is better in the rain.
medal 5000 Super Mod
7 years 200 days ago
Dee, see also...

But don't expect an answer 'cos the devs aren't telling!
medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago (edited 7 years 200 days ago)
James, the same is true of my good rain driver. Which is an indicator of a hidden attribute but not totally hidden because it can be discovered by observing the ride height. However it can't be seen when you are hiring a new driver. But if you discover an Academy driver that has a higher ride height you might want to focus on that driver as a rain race ringer (rrr).

Kevin, I don't really expect an answer so much as an impression from other managers. I have already found out from James a "secret nugget" of information about what may indicate a good rain driver. Maybe there are more Easter eggs out there.
medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago
What the what?? Higher ride heoght is setup nothing to do with driver
medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago
That is not true Jason. Each driver may require different ride height to achieve their perfect setup. My two drivers have ride heights that differ by 3 at every track. Thus if I buy an ideal setup for the one with the lower ride height I have to add 3 to the ride height of the other driver to get the perfect set up for that driver.
medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago
Be careful, Jack loves his chocolate, we dont want him collecting all the eggs and hiding them somewhere else.
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