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A new button

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medal 5000
7 years 243 days ago
Hi, I have the idea to add the button "Me"
medal 5088
7 years 243 days ago
Just click on Pantheon again and it will drop you to where your ranking is.
medal 5000
7 years 243 days ago
It just works for Réputation, but not for the other things!
medal 5088
7 years 243 days ago
Are you sure? It does for me when I select different categories.
medal 5000
7 years 238 days ago
Are you sûre ?
medal 5000
7 years 238 days ago
Doubles and Trebles are the only 2 pages that doesn't load the page I'm on.

Doubles loads page 110, I'm on page 111
Trebles loads page 172, I'm on page nobody knows.

Where does it tell me how many doubles & trebles, I have had to get a rough idea of where to look?

Also I flicking through the pages, I see the same manger & team name in a few different positions. that must be very hard for them to know what team they are using, when they have 5-6 teams all with the same name and profile photo.
medal 5088
7 years 238 days ago
Yeah, I am able to see myself in all categories, except, strangely, in Retirements.

I think the Hall of Fame does weird things from time to time because the way it's assembled and displayed makes it a resource hog.

It might need to be revamped at some point.
medal 5000
7 years 238 days ago
Yeah, I am able to see myself in all categories, except, strangely, in Retirements.

I think the Hall of Fame does weird things from time to time because the way it's assembled and displayed makes it a resource hog.

It might need to be revamped at some point.

Only shows 8 retirements on you're list, it's just not enough to be worth while putting you on the list. You need to run out of fuel more often. Counts as a retirement but car isn't out of the race
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