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Customization is really limited!

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medal 5000
7 years 236 days ago
I'm playing this game for something like a month and I love it so much I'm spending time thinking on improvement. One of those MUST be customization. I'm playing a league where there are like 4 "Williams" and even if we're only 10 teams there are repeatable colors.
A couple suggestions:
1) Make name customization FREE, people can pay some tokens for visual customization (beard, hair, face shape), but names should totally be free to be changed once in every "pilot life".
2) Make teams use TWO COLORS, this adds huge diversity, circles in the race should have both colors (you could add some default shapes too like "color 1 background + color 2 stripes" or "half color 1 + half color 2" etc.. MORE DIVERSITY!)

This is focused on customization, and in my opinion those are two really easy to implement logic (and I'm thinking this as I'm a programmer myself).

Let's have a nice discussion going! And keep your suggestions down-to-earth and easy to implement! :)
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
try using the livery editor, there you can choose up to 3 colours in multiple designs, and are certainly visible on the race event viewer if you choose to see car icons, not cirlces
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