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What's wrong with the bidding system?

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medal 5000
7 years 235 days ago
So I was bidding for this cool driver I came across, and there was another guy bidding for him as well. We were going furious near the end of the deadline, and entered the second round or whatever they call it, then again we were bidding like crazy to the third and fourth round. Suddenly I got the message that I had no more coins to keep pushing, I said damn I lost but even after the auction ended I still had 0 coins! Where do I have to go to get back my bid coins? Can't find any option anywhere!
medal 5000
7 years 235 days ago
You don't get back the coins that you have placed a bid with each bid cost one coin so you don't receive them back no matter if you win or lose..That is why it's wise to bid safety...if you feel the other player will not give up and (most likely has more coin) it's better to just stop and continue to find someone else.
medal 5000
7 years 235 days ago
Also if you feel that he's that good and no one else has placed a bid on him/her it's sometimes best to buy them outright for 9 coins...If the driver is young and has 5 stars you'll always more times than not have to spend way more than 9 coins once a bid war starts they aren't very easy to find...Hope I helped
medal 5000
7 years 234 days ago
No way! So these guys have no idea how an auction works or what? I lost a lot of damn coins... Thanks anyway
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