Colin Clegg medal 5000 7 years 239 days ago
I've just changed league after my old league had finished the season.
My new car design had an average of between 40-50 for each item.
As I joined the new league I received a warning that my car would be reset to reflect the level in the new league, but each car design item is now either a 1 or 2, very low !
Looking at the other teams, their levels look to be around 50.
Has something gone wrong ? Is this normal ?
Everyone in the league is either a 15,16 or 17 level manager.
Seems very unfair, i'll never be able to compete with those levels.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 239 days ago
I thought the game will eventually gift you some free DP to balance you out, I have no idea why it is not happening yet.
Maybe it'll happen after one race.

wiboya 13 medal 5000 7 years 239 days ago
I think it is to prevent league hopping.
I have kind of the same problem except that i was kicked out of a league and my car design is also reset to 1 or 2 on all items. And indeed like leo yeo said i got some DP but only 3. But that is not enough to make up with the other teams.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 239 days ago
You get only some extra points if the joined league has done races this season already. Yes, it's by far not enough to be competetive.
This is normal, but I suspect not intended. Because joining teams, at least if they manage to avoid relegation, start the next season with more points than usual I think you get points after joining a league but wrongly into the next season car development pool and not on the actual car you race after joining.
Anyway, best to join at start or early into season, pool your design points for the first races and make the best out of spying. Then spend the pooled points all at once when you think you can reach a level that gets you the results you need.