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Budget Problem

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medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
Its very difficult to maintain budget.. I tried a lot but if u don't win then you are in debt. Try to improve this
medal 5000
7 years 223 days ago
You can always trade tokens for money - that works for me (around 25 tokens a season traded for money on my Elite team and that covers the shortfall).

Welcome to the world of compromise.
medal 5000
7 years 223 days ago
o'm in 26.2 m debt lol, handling expensive team, drivers 2.7m and staff 2.3 m and this time I opted 3 tokens sponsor so less prize money every race -3m, 51 tokens from 17 races lets say 20 spent on parts 2 season spent 48 tokens for parts, exchanged few tokens for cash and bought engines first time for 10 tokens, now to save money going to replace one expensive driver with YDA driver straight way 1m saving appx
edit1; 15 tokens for YDA driver hiring as well, once I get rid of expensive driver will scout another YDA and will train by the time the other gets more expensive
medal 5000
7 years 223 days ago
my staff is 4 stars, 1 star, 1 star
my drivers are 4.5 stars, 4.5 stars
no reserves
I go +0 if I don't get sponsor target and +600k if i get sponsor target.
It's really hard to maintain budget, you have to do compromises
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