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Driver gone missing?

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medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
Dear folks;

For a while now, I have had this red squared exclamation mark sitting next to my "drivers & staff" listing. Had a look, but could find nothing wrong. All drivers and staff had long contracts remaining.
But after the race previous to tonight's, my best driver vanished?
What happened?

And the exclamaition mark is still there!

Does that mean that you're to keep kidnapping drivers from me at will, until I have not a single one left?
If you sold them for me, I should be entilted to at least part of the transfer money. Not only did I train him, nurture him and was being like the father he never had, but this team runs on a very tight budget. Do you think talented drivers grow on trees?

And what about his even more talented brother that you left behind? Will you take him next?
You might as well - He is all heartbroken and can hardly even drive a bicycle right now anyway.

I am not very impressed by all this.

medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
Mr.Pettson better share the drivers link as well so that developers can look into it
medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
what I think below is the driver u lost also can see he had completed 20 races with you, so basically when u buy a driver his first contract use to be of 20 races and after that his contract expires until u dun renew after 19th races, once u renew contract he stays for 50 races, correct me if i'm wrong
medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
u can still buy it, but I think u already got a better one compare to him, so js take care from here on and renew this driver before 20th race, or you might need to buy new one if you got promoted to level 12 all the best keep racing
medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
But his contract was renewed. He had like 49 races or so still to go.
And I still have that exclamation mark on my D&S, with all of them still having long contracts left, so I am a little bit worried that my people will keep disappearing...

medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
And it is not OK that he just disappers with a long contract left, even if I now have better drivers.
I could have sold him and made some money...

medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
And lucky for me I had decent reserve drivers standing by... They didn't come easily either...

medal 5000
7 years 223 days ago
Even I too lost driver, a 20 Tal driver, I missed to renew the contract, Its near to impossible to get a 20 Tal driver at my Level and I lost em due to my carelessness
medal 5088
7 years 223 days ago
Even I too lost driver, a 20 Tal driver, I missed to renew the contract, Its near to impossible to get a 20 Tal driver at my Level and I lost em due to my carelessness

Aayansh, can you be more clear, did you lose a driver because the contract ran out, or because you ignored the red exclamation mark because there were many races remaining in the driver's contract?
medal 5088
7 years 223 days ago
Pettson, if you're still seeing the red exclamation marks, can you reply back and confirm? I'll then ask Jack to examine your account to so he may find the source of the problem.
medal 5000
7 years 216 days ago
It's gone now.
Went away about two days after I reported the problem.

So all is good now, except for that missing driver... :-)

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