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Drivers Gone?

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medal 5000
7 years 215 days ago
Hopefully someone can look into this issue. A manager (Bethany Brown) in our league had 2 good drivers (for our level) and when the new season started for us (which was Sunday) the drivers were gone and replaced by 1 star drivers.

So at the end of the season they still had contracts, but come the first race they just disappeared. This prompted her to angrily quit. Hoping we can resolve the issue and get her back.
medal 5088
7 years 215 days ago
That's unfortunate.

I'll let Jack know. Considering the unexpected issues we've just had, I'm not sure how soon he will be able to help.
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 214 days ago
Unfortunately those drivers have gone to new teams, so rather than stealing them back, I've sent Bethany 20 Tokens to recruit some new drivers. She could do two "buy nows" for 18 Tokens or try bidding. I'm sure she can find two top level drivers either way.
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