David Brady medal 5000 13 years 24 days ago (edited 13 years 24 days ago)
But wouldnt everyone "lose out badly"?
And about the amount of money, I think they are working on that. There also are other discussions about the amount of money ;(which is to high according to the general opinion) and more stuff to spend it on.
money doesnt matter...... IMO everything should cost more, and i'd be open to people having more staff if they have the cash to facilitate it .... done 14 races in rookie... after 2morrows race our season will end i will hit level 5 with approx 50m once i buy all the facilites and hire new staff/drivers i will still have cash to spare [ £25million in staff/ facilities leaving me with £25m for new drivers and they'll prob cost me about 20max then i'll make 750k+ in merchandising+ a race, drivers on a similar wage i'll be making 6/7 million a race profit, and for arguements sake i'm only in a 8 team and not a 16 team league and last race i made 5,231,900 profit [at level 4], after nearly 1million in driver wages & car refits
EDIT.... but not by charging people who have'nt purchased it already, a universal rise across the board, every1 who already has 200 staff being charged the difference [+10million] if they want to continue with them, and adding 250 / 300 staff at a cost of 20m+ each at least gives you the choice between paying signing on fee's for a new driver every year or improving your staff