ray cini medal 5000 7 years 210 days ago
Can someone explain (I don't know if one can explain) why many managers join the game and after a few days or even hours they abandon the game?

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 210 days ago
I'm sure every league's rookie tier would like to study, understand, and eventually rationally explain this.

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 210 days ago (edited 7 years 210 days ago)
It's simple if you read the 1 star reviews.
People see it's a racing manager game and download app to phone. Then they are confused by how hard things are or upset they can't be in a race 5 minutes after joining. They fail to read the fact this is a multiplayer game and cannot currently race more than once a day. They don't come to the forums for help, they don't want to put any effort in, so they post a low star review and say the game sucks.
They seem to expect this to be like Motorsport manager and be able to knock out half a season in 30 minutes
The other more positive spin is that initially they are afraid to "sign in" and create an account or use a Facebook account. Once they get in, they may change their mind and create a log in or use facebok but then they end up "abandoning" the initial account.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 210 days ago
You have a good point in that somehow, some people think this is a fast-forwarding single player game. Apparently they didn't read this description that's supposed to be smack in front of them when they're on the page to download the app:
"Your Grand Prix Team - build your own race team, competing in online multiplayer championships with live races and real-time strategy."
No wonder casual races are being talked about as a thing.