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18 Teams in 2 Car League Instead of 16

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medal 5000
7 years 200 days ago
In my hosted league (as I am participating in a different league), I had found out that there are 18 teams in this league when there should be 16 teams as it is a 2 car league (this had only happened in Rookie League only), I think it is a bug, I'll leave the link to the league below.
For me, I like this bug because I can watch more competitive racing as there are more teams because the league is an active league.
If there is an explanation for this, please let me know.
medal 5000
7 years 187 days ago
British Racing League has 17 teams in elite tier! Is it normal?
medal 5088
7 years 186 days ago
Nope, that's a bug. I will merge it with the other thread regarding this issue as well now. *plays polymerization card* 8652 into 8468, shazam!
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