dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 202 days ago (edited 7 years 202 days ago)
guys, some days ago my chrome (win7) started to download all data, everytime i enter a race (to race or spectate).
usually i was just the first time, then the next race it was really fast joining the race because it did download all the 27204079.
i did ctrl+f5 and tried entering twice but the second did load all data agaaaain :/
it is chrome? where should i clean :)
it's just me? :P

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 202 days ago
Clear your cache and then spectate a race to see how fast it loads.

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
i did before posting lol many times :P
is working ok on firefox but chrome downloads everything, everytime i spectate or go to race.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 200 days ago (edited 7 years 190 days ago)
Oh wow, I've never played it in Firefox and it loads unbelievably quick.
I'd guess it's just Chrome. Firefox probably has much better support for WebGL.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 200 days ago
Hacked :P
Stop using Firefox ESD that runs the livery plugin & upgrade to version 54 using it straight out of the box, with webgl draft extensions enabled
Stop using that extension in Chrome that is there to run the livery plugin & just use version 60 straight out of the box with webgl draft extensions enabled.
Should only be downloading the first time, then flying through every other time unless the cache has been deleted or changed.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 197 days ago
Also facing this problem on Chrome, but not Firefox.

dan ruglio medal 5000 7 years 191 days ago
yes, i'm using firefox just for IGP :/ now. couldnt find whats wrong

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 190 days ago
I see no issues slow very first time, when I say slow I talking 2-3 minutes max. Then the next time it flies through it as if the downloading part isn't there.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 190 days ago
I see no issues slow very first time, when I say slow I talking 2-3 minutes max. Then the next time it flies through it as if the downloading part isn't there.
I still have the slow loading times in Chrome. Even if I do one after another.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 187 days ago
Is this going to be fixed? I consider it a teething problem that should be resolved ASAP. I still have Chrome downloading data from scratch every time I open the live viewer.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 186 days ago (edited 7 years 186 days ago)
Chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Hahaha. I using the BETA viewer not the stable one. I will try it in tonights race.

Rose Garin medal 5000 7 years 186 days ago
No change.
Do yous have any extensions that might be slowing it down?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 186 days ago
I'll have to try and see.

Rose Garin medal 5000 7 years 186 days ago
The race tonight using chrome Loading was fine but the race it's self was very laggy. Hop, skip and jump every lap.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 186 days ago
I tried without extensions and didn't make any difference.
I spoke to Jack about it a few days ago, and it loading taking longer in Chrome isn't meant to happen.

Dhia Akhsya Revananto medal 5000 7 years 186 days ago
Can confirm.
Also playing on Android and it loads nice.
I presume Chrome is getting too advanced for the game? Haven't tried on Firefox BTW.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 185 days ago
Chrome version 60 full of lag always
Firefox version 55 using S & K causes lag & DRS lag (cars teleport from one end of DRS zone to the other)
Opera version 47 DRS lag (cars teleport from one end of DRS zone to the other)