DeX XeD medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
Hi, I had 4 laps with my two cars 3 hours ago, on my PC (web version). My two drivers said the setup was perfect. Then I was using the Android app to manage the strategy, kept an eye to the setup and drivers changed their mind, saying the setup was completely messed-up. I really didn't change suspension, height and wing. What's wrong?

Boutros Henriet Sco' medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
Did you see the weather, maybe the weather was good when you were on your pc and after the wheather became bad.
I already had a probleme with this because all the informations about the weather were not the same around the app, in configuration I had raining wheather while forecast said good weather. So I did my configuration thinking it was raining, but not. And 2 hours later forecast became raining and my configuration was bad while it was good before.

DeX XeD medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
Yes, the weather changed, but my two drivers run with different conditions. Wet the first, dry the other one. Their car had almost the same setup, and both drivers told they were perfect. But now, both drivers now says the setup is messed-up. It's hard to figure out how exactly it works... I read the in-game guide and the guides on this forum.

DeX XeD medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
Now in Australia it's raining again and both drivers are telling me the cars are again perfect. But first driver set his best time with SS in dry conditions...

Petar Klešković medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
You can always use 3 tokens to get the perfect setup. For that exact reason I always do my practice runs 10-15 minutes before the race, you otherwise risk the weather changing and basically your setup being bad.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 201 days ago
To understand setup and how weather affects it you should read Joey McLanes advanced guide
Part 3. But the whole guides, both beginner and advanced, are quite a must read to understand the game better.