Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 200 days ago (edited 7 years 200 days ago)
On occasions I have used multiple CDs and in my opinion it only really works if they're both rated 4.5 or 5 star and both have a good (but different) strength and more importantly a good weakness.
With CDs the star rating is the key factor, the more stars the higher your intital DP at the beginning of the following season. Plus I believe CD star rating and strength/weakness in conjunction with TD star rating also has a bearing on your research strength.
So we want lots of stars, 5 if possible, 4.5 is also good and 4 star is only worth considering if the strength/weakness of the CD is a rarity like Acc/Cool.
The star rating is relative to the difference between your manager level and the level of the member of staff. I.e. if you are level 4 Manager then a CD or TD who is also level 4 will be either 4.5 or 5 star whereas if your manager level were 8 then the same member of staff would only be perhaps 3 star.
Okay so it's important to know that unlike drivers who can be trained, staff level does not change. So as your Manager level naturally rises with experience then the difference between your Manager level and your staff level increases. Because of this the star rating of your staff decreases which results in fewer initial design points the following season and reduced research capability in the current season.
As a newcomer to the game you will really suffer from this because you will be levelling up very quickly.
In my opinion until your rate of change in manager level slows down (maybe 10 or higher) you will be wasting a lot of money if you are continually changing staff in an effort to maintain high star ratings. At this point of your iGP career I suggest you don't employ more than one CD unless you're secretly Bernie Ecclestone or Richard Branson and can afford to throw a lot of real money at the game.
If you want the full lowdown from the most successful manager in iGP have a look at this...
Joeys Beginners Guide