Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 13 years 17 days ago
my problem is not a big one for me at the moment, but it could bee one for another subscriber. I subcribed first at 16.12.2011 for a month and renew the subscription for 3 month on 11.01.2012. IMO the end date of the subcribtion should be the 16.04.2012 instead of the 11.04.2012. So i think if i would renew my subscription today for 3 month, it seems to be exspireing at the 20.05.2012 and i would lose 1 1/2 month. Please check this. thx.

Jack Basford medal 5230
CEO & CTO 13 years 16 days ago
Hi Ralf, Thanks for reporting this. I have manually corrected your subscription.
I have corrected this, so that subscriptions always extend one another.
The problem was only when ordering two different kinds of subscription e.g. 1 month then 3 months, but it is fixed now.

Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 13 years 16 days ago
Thanks Jack for looking at the problem so fast and for the correction of my subscription ;).

Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 12 years 345 days ago
Mhh, I have now a again a Prob with renewing the subscription ;). Have a look at my account ;)

Jack Basford medal 5230
CEO & CTO 12 years 345 days ago
What seems to be the problem?

Ralf Jaspers medal 5000 12 years 345 days ago
Ah, now i see. My new subscribtion will be active, after the actual expired, am i right ?

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 345 days ago
yh, otherwise you have em both running at the same time like before, thats what jack fixed