Lauro Guerra medal 5000 7 years 182 days ago
Hi everyone.
So we ran our first league championship and I won.
When the new season started I realized that I wasn´t the best in any area of development (when I finished the first championship I was the leader in 2 or 3 areas).
I was talking with a friend and asked about his car. The total design points por him was 180 and for me was 154. He asked another league member and he received the same 180 points.
Why did it happen? Is there some kind of championshio balance or a bug?
I ran all 17 races of the first season and I always kept a 5 star chief designer no matter what level I was.
Thanks in advance and I hope to understand this aspect of the game.

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 182 days ago
How many designers did you go through? Did any of them have a strength that was the same as another's weakness?

Lauro Guerra medal 5000 7 years 182 days ago (edited 7 years 182 days ago)
I can't remember the strenghts and weaknesses, but I had 3 designers.
I thought the total of design points should be the same for all managers, no matter in what categories.
All managers are level 5 in my league, we started together in this game.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 182 days ago
Hi Lauro!
Here is the best explanation for your woes! Pulled from the help section in-game from Section 2, Technical, underneath 2.1 Car Design:
Next season design
- Generated per-race by the current active Chief Designer
- Can reflect a mix of contributions from multiple Chief Designers (all those hired and made active across a season)