Scrapping token loss for losing an auction seems to be a rather popular opinion. My only worry is the potential for abuse where people not worried of token loss can just spam multiple bids on staff where there are other people interesting in winning the auction. However, the winner of the auction has to pay all the tokens they've used to bid anyway so maybe it's not too much of a problem. I'm leaning for this, since the general idea of an auction is the losing bidder doesn't have to pay anything, unless iGP manager is going for the route of a bidding fee auction or an all-pay auction.
Lots of managers can make do with 3 tokens per race though. I think there needs to be a bit of balance between sustainable finance/token management and enough of a challenge in doing so, and I personally have no issues with 3 tokens per race, even with one of my other teams that I just formed one and a half months ago.
Since tokens can be purchased with real cash too, giving out more tokens in-game may make those paying players feel like their investment into tokens does not have as good of a value as before, though there are some who purchase tokens merely to show their support for the game and the devs.
I agree with what you said but what about those who cant purchase the tokkens with real cash ?