Carlo Simone medal 5000 7 years 145 days ago
Hello and congrats for the game, it's really awesome. I noticed that my team is the only one I've seen with a custom livery during a race. If there are others, should I be able to see them, or it is normal that only mine is visible? Thanks
Carlo Simone medal 5000 7 years 145 days ago
As not said. I found one. Sorry
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 145 days ago
Most users have had difficulty figuring out how to open the current livery editor, so many teams will largely not have a livery until the new one is released which is much more user friendly.
Jack Basford medal 5404 CEO & CTO 7 years 145 days ago
Also, the livery editor is currently not in the app, where most people play. That's something that will be added with the next update.
Carlo Simone medal 5000 7 years 137 days ago
Just about this, I have to report that unfortunately the livery editor is not working for me in the Android app. Is that a common issue?
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 137 days ago
Have you updated the app?
Carlo Simone medal 5000 7 years 137 days ago
In fact I didn't. Thank you, I'll be more careful next time.