Tim Lewis medal 5000 13 years 14 days ago
When I have set the unschelduled pit stop option to 1, despite having enough fuel the report after the race appears to show i pitted a lap earlier than required. Am I misundertanding this setting? Each time it has resulted in me runing short of fuel and requiring a further stop.
Horse White medal 5000 13 years 14 days ago
I can't see the fuel you have left at the end of each lap and also i don't see tyre wear.
But here is my Opinion:
This advanced strategy adds the fuel for the next stint if an unsheduled pit stop occurs.
So you planned to stop after 10 laps, but your driver went in after 9, now the pit crew will add the fuel you planned to the car (in that case fuel for 10 laps)
So after 10 Laps you only have fuel left for 9 laps. So your driver wears down tyres and after 18 laps he noticed that they are so worn that he stops after 18 laps instead of 19 Laps. Now the car gets fuel for another 10 Lap stint.
18+10 = 28 Laps. Maybe you have left fuel for another Lap so your driver stops after 29 Laps because he had not enough fuel to complete the race.
It would help to see how much fuel is left in the laps before the pit stop and the tyre wear.

Neil Williams medal 5000 13 years 14 days ago
For a final unscheduled pit stop it would be good if there was a "fuel to end of the race option".
I had a race the other day where I switched strategy due to rain early on and adjusted the fuel to suit.
On my final stop even though i'd set the fuel level right for the remainder of the race on the 2D settings - on pitting the fuel added was from my pre-race set up.
This meant my driver pitted 2 laps from the end and lost 5 places (not that that bothers me) more so that my adjusted fuel strategy was over-ridden.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 14 days ago
Tim, the results you see are a bit misleading. At the moment the fuel level for every lap is reported as being the fuel level as your car crosses the finish line. This applies even when your car is in the pit lane. You will see that the fuel level for lap 9 is reported as being 36.9L, but this is because your car had only just been topped up at the end of lap 9, and then crossed the finish line. So you are not seeing the final fuel level before you topped up. You would only see this if your garage was just after the finish line.
So at the end of your first stint, assuming that your car was using 3.7L per lap, then your final fuel level before being topped up was probably 3.4L - which is not enough to make an additional lap.
The same thing happened for all of your pitstops. You didn't have enough fuel to make an additional lap.
Sorry for the confusion. Improving how the fuel levels are displayed in these situations is on the development list.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 14 days ago
Hi Neil, could you tell me which race this happened on? I just had a scan through your most recent races and don't see one matching your description. Your adjustments should have been factored in and I'd like to investigate why they were not. Failing that, please make another post if you notice it happening again. Thanks.

Luke Barton medal 5000 13 years 12 days ago
I've got a problem with the Fuel at the moment.
When I plan a race, I base it on fuel consumption. So Malaysia 28 Laps, 4L per lap = 112 Litres.
No Problem. I know, I need to put ~112 Litres of fuel through my engine to get to the end of the race.
The problem arises when I want to stop early in the race using the in game options. The pit crew fills the fuel TO the level I selected, rather than ADDING that amount. So with a 40L stint coming up, if I stop 2 laps early without adjusting the values I end up taking on 32L, rather than the 40L I was expecting, leaving me with a 8L hole in my strategy.
Maybe I just think about it differently to other people :/

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 11 days ago
I think that during testing the way you would like it was tried but the way it now works was thought to be best.
But as with all things - it is still up for discussion.

Lord Alexander Fermor Hesketh medal 5000 13 years 6 days ago
I think its not a problem, IF you know about that.
I ran into the same problem as Luke at the beginning of my "career".
It should be expalined in the rules better or in the quick tip, that they fill to absolute level, not relative.
Once you know it, you can adapt easily, so I think its either way o.k..