Currently our race objective is only made known to us 2 mins before we race, basically once we have already made decisions upon how we're going to approach the race. I feel that it would make much more sense if it was known to us immediately after our last race so that we can prepare for our up and coming race efficiently.
I will give an example;
Let's say there's 3 races left until the end of season and I cannot get promoted or relegated and I have 3 engines left and my restock will be in 6 races time. Well if my objective was to 'finish the race' I would not need to renew my engine as I could save the 3 engines for the start of next season. That's just one example of how knowing what our objective is way in advance could help. Also we may want to trial a qeaker younger driver to help towards gaining experience.
To find out you need to finish in the top 3 just after you renewed your engine when you could have kwpt it on 90% knowing it will still be good enough to get a top 3 spot is frustrating.