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    medal 0
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Well established Active league (Season 6) looking for Active Elite players only as Rookie and Pro is always full

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medal 5000
7 years 165 days ago
Formula F1 Asia has been running for 3 months now and we are currently in our 6th season. I am the host and am active every day. We remove players in Rookie & Pro who are inactive for 3 days (unless told in advance), however both are currently very active.

We are constantly full in Rookie and Pro, however we currently have 4 players in Elite (all 4 play live) with the highest manager level being 9. We would love to welcome any managers that are active either in Pro or Elite of a similar ability to enjoy the playing experience.

We have recently created a live chat room for our league so members can interact and discuss the game etc so if you're looking for more interaction then you're definitely in the right place!

League: Formula F1 Asia
Days: Mon - Sun
Time: 1PM GMT
Race: 75% (next season will be 100%)
Speed: 2.0x
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