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Change objectives

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medal 5000
7 years 156 days ago
Let's face it, the objectives are rubbish and everybody is complaining about them. One good result and basically you're in trouble for the coming couple of races. It just doesn't make sense and they are often too hard to reach. Also, it doesn't make sense to only tell us the goal just 2 minutes before the actual race. It's too late then to decide whether I want to use new engines or try some other strategy.

Why not have the sponsors decide the target, but on beforehand? That way, you can choose a harder, but better paying sponsor when you feel confident, or choose an easier one if you want to be sure, or if you're just not good enough to go for the higher ones.

In my opinion, this would not "widen the gap between winners and losers", as I see often being used as an excuse on these forums, but rather, they add to the management part of the game. Sometimes it is just better to let yourself be degraded, in order to make more money in a lower category. That will just allow you to return stronger. And besides, the better teams probably have more expensive drivers and staff, so they should earn more money to pay for them.

Also, I don't see harm in just "surviving" a season, only to prepare for the next.
medal 5000
7 years 156 days ago
I agree fully with this
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