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Questions about driver salary

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medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago

I've got a few questions about drivers salary. In transfer window in the app you can't see the salary. I want to cut back in salary, because my income isn't sufficient.

I did a forum search, but didn't find answers. I read the in-app info, but not listed there either.

I have managers in my league who are above me in rankings with drivers of ~100-200k salary, where I have 2 drivers of 600k+...

* How can you calculate (or predict) drivers salary from the transfer-info you've got?
* Is it an app issue that you don't see salary in transfer-info? (i.e. on pc the info IS present?)
* Does "buy now" affect the salary?
* Youth acadamy drivers, are they lower in salary?

If you can answer the questions above, or if you have any other information, pleasy elaborate.

Thank you!
medal 5003
7 years 134 days ago
Youth academy drivers are much cheaper (from your own academy) usually about £0.3 million per race to start with.

A fully trained driver from transfer market are usually £1.2 million per race to start with.
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
* How can you calculate (or predict) drivers salary from the transfer-info you've got?
The only way to see their current salary is to use a laptop or desktop as even the browser on a phone does not show the wages.

* Does "buy now" affect the salary?
Whether you buy now or auction bid, the salary displayed will be increased. The amount if the wages are 611k would be 672k

* Youth acadamy drivers, are they lower in salary?
Yes they start at 330k then the next increase for a contract of 50 races is 372k
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