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driver problem

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medal 5000
7 years 131 days ago
I have just changed my driver and I have my car that remains blocked on the old driver (driver sold at the auction) so I find myself with a single car for the race tomorrow 4:30 pm. I am currently level5 and my new driver is for a level4.

Its me but all the time car has to repair so it has nothing to repair new engine and hull too.

in repair the car is still on behalf of the driver I sold.

Thank you.

Ps: Google traduction
medal 5088
7 years 130 days ago
Hi, go to your Drivers & Staff page, then select your drivers to be active again by tapping or clicking on the green Change button.

Let me know how it goes.
medal 5000
7 years 130 days ago
Yes it's good its a walk but its my change the free tests its taken the tests of the other driver (test of the P1 put on P2) and so I can not test for my new driver because I did for the first pilot the 5 tests
medal 5000
7 years 130 days ago
ok it's good i made the change thanks for your help :)
medal 5088
7 years 130 days ago
You're welcome!
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