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Hard Tyres

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medal 5000
13 years 7 days ago
RACE ID: 30902 & Yesterdays as well if i can find it

Hard tyres seem to not be any slower when the tyres are bright red, yesterday a guy with no 2d was on what i assume was push hard with hard tyres his tyres went bright red after about 2 laps, and yet he was catching me even though i was running softs and keeping then at optimum temp

Today is doing exactly the same again, can provide driver id's for comparison if required + surely if your running tyres at bright red they should deteriorate faster than being grey/blue [and so not be able to run 15laps with your tyres bright red]
medal 5000
13 years 7 days ago
Most probaly the chassis/suspension of that car is on a high level or the drivers are very good.

What surprises me more is the fact, that on trackes with high tyre wear and temperatures of around 27 C soft tyres will not let down when on the same stragetgy as with hard tyres. Where is the senser in that? What are the hard tyres for then??? At the moment it seems you can rather forget them and leave them in the pits...
medal 5000
13 years 7 days ago
At the moment overheating tyres will not slow drivers down as much as it should.  This is intended to avoid unfairly disadvantaging players who do not have access to the 2D viewer.  For the time being free users can not see tyre temperatures, not even in the post race data.

It is still a bad idea to let your tyres overheat though.  The condition of overheating tyres will drop much faster than normal and so will need more frequent pit stops.  On hot races, softs should degrade particularly fast.  Perhaps they need to degrade slightly faster though.

We will be supplying all players with temperature data and at that point I'll update how overheating tyres perform.
medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
Fair enough, Andrew. Thanks for clarification.
medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
Bright Red tires on ''Push hard'' are now faster than those players trying to balance the orders of their driver to maintain optimum temperature of the tires.

I can see why you have done what you have done, even though I disagree with it. However as it stands now there is no real point to playing via 2D now, as I can acheive better results with the driver pushing on full pace as the Hards still maintain high speed.

medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
Bright Red tires on ''Push hard'' are now faster than those players trying to balance the orders of their driver to maintain optimum temperature of the tires.

From my point of view, this is not true. Yes, there are drivers still maintaining an awesome speed with bright reds, but whenever I had a look at the details it was clear, that they are dropping speeds as well. They may still be fast, fast enough or faster than me, you or whomever, but they do lose speed.

Means: They would be even faster, when not running on bright red.

That - in my opinion and with what I learned - can be seen in the laptimes-chart after a race, when second, third or fourth lap out of pits is the fastest of that run.

So we just have to accept - again from my point of view - that those drivers are better than we are.

Bright reds are - in my opinion - still a disadvantage to any driver. Of course better drivers are maybe better with handling those BBQ-tyres. Whatsoever.

Doen't matter - from my point of view - as Andrew said to change that. Theres nothing more he could do at the moment - from my....getting on my own nerves with that rubbish...point of view

From my point of view.

Greets from my point of view
Lord "in my opinion" Hesketh
medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
Very well put explanation and argument Hesketh, and I have found some similar trends in my League that finished just last night, however I will point out a few things that will slightly contradict or offer alternative outcomes to your theories.

Faster if not-bright red (sounds awful lol) - Of course watching a non-2D player who has their strategy fixed on ''push hard'' on identical stints of Hard tires, we would not be able to compare laptimes of Bright Red Hards vs Pink Hards vs White Hards so I guess we would not know how the other person would perform.

In the latest race though when myself & David saw we were getting beaten by Bright Red Tires, I switched one driver to Hards (instead of softs) to see if I was actually faster using Bright Red Hards. I was for the ''push hard'' laps running purple but once the tires were Red, my laptimes dropped whereas competitors' didn't seem to as much.

It could have possibly been the driver, but I had been racing near enough the same drivers in the league for 14 races or so, and they had never been a problem for the first half of the season at all.

All in all however, it probably just means that strategies will slightly change to mean that it's probably ok to run Red/Pink tires for a slightly longer duration than previously.
medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
medal 5000
13 years 6 days ago
There's something in it, Ryan, I haven't explored yet: Can a non-viewing or "non-2D-ing"-competitor run longer on "reder" tyres as one watching and controlling it?

I do have to have a look at that, as one of my friends told me, that one of my drivers in a league and team I never watch (have more than one team) was incredibly fast on dark red's. With the teams I control I see the times dropping fast, when running into that tyre state...

medal 5000
13 years 4 days ago
Why do I have the feeling that you have 20 accounts and they all play in the same league and at the end you (the "Lord" account) win :).

Damn, maybe all the discusions you've been having with some other people were just other accounts and you're talking to yourself. 

I get a real Agent Smith (The Matrix - Hugo Weaving) feeling at the moment.
medal 5000
13 years 4 days ago
naaahhhh i get a Mystery crew feeling(for those of whom dont know who that is.... SCOOBY DOO!!!!)
medal 5000
13 years 4 days ago
Why do I have the feeling that you have 20 accounts and they all play in the same league and at the end you (the "Lord" account) win :).

Damn, maybe all the discusions you've been having with some other people were just other accounts and you're talking to yourself. 

I get a real Agent Smith (The Matrix - Hugo Weaving) feeling at the moment.

lol, Mr. Anderson.
It's five, but not all in the same league. Only two are in the same tier of a league.
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