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Unable to connect to server - race viewer

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medal 5000
7 years 106 days ago (edited 7 years 106 days ago)
I've been trying to connect to the server now for 10 minutes but am unable to on both my laptop (using my fiber connection) and my phone (using 4g) this leads me to believe the problem is server side and not client side.

Ok, I can spectate different races but I am unable to view my own at this current time. My current league is called Haydn, race is brazil.

Ok managed to resolve it by finding it in the list of spectate-able races, it loaded the race from lap 1. My assumption is the race got stuck till I spectated it. No harm for me since I needed it to start from lap 1 for my strategy haha, nonetheless a bug.
medal 5088
7 years 106 days ago
Good to hear, since the issue is resolved I'll go ahead and close this thread now.
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